Tuesday 17 July 2012

Microsoft .Net Framework Repair Tool

Now Microsoft have an official tool for repairing Microsoft .Net Framework. Microsoft has released this tool.

This tool helps users with issues faced during installation and with updates for the .Net framework.This tool works with Windows XP and subsequent versions of Windows. It analyzes the current state of the .Net Framework before fixing any issue that could have corrupted installation or updates.

If you are experiencing any sort of problem with the .Net Framework on your computer, then you just have to download this tool and run it.

This tool will scan the framework installed on your system and make changes after getting your consent.
1.It firstly scans your system for issues related to the .Net Framework.
2.It then tries fixes for the issues found during the scan after taking consent from the user.
3.After fixing and repairing, it collects a log of the scan with user consent.

The tool always asks for user consent before performing any changes or repairs to the framework.

You can download this tool from Microsoft's website.

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